Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Fire in the Kitchen

Well, we had this fire in our oven last night and we didn't have any soda to put on it. Luckily it went out with a little water. Then today I get this video from a friend. It's very interesting and informative.

Show it to any cooks in the family.....
This is pretty impressive. Well worth the time to watch it.
Pass it on - you could save a life.

This video is only 34 seconds long but if you're ever in this
situation it will save your kitchen, house and most of all you,
if you follow the advice.

Watch this video and learn what not to use to put out a grease
fire. At Charleston Navy base at the Fire Fighting Training school they
demonstrate this with a deep fat fryer set on the fire field. An
instructor would don a fire suit and using an 8 oz cup at the end
of a 10 foot pole toss water onto the grease fire. The results got
the attention of the students. The water, being heavier than the oil,
sinks to the bottom where it instantly becomes superheated.
The explosive force of the steam blows the burning oil
up and out. On the open field, it became a thirty foot high
fireball that resembles a nuclear blast. Inside the confines of a kitchen,
the fire ball hits the ceiling and fills the entire room.

Also do not throw sugar or flour on a grease fire. One cup
creates the explosive force of two sticks of dynamite.


Cory said...

In my defense (for using water), I knew it wasn't a grease fire. Still good to keep in mind, though!

Dan said...

oh yeah, our little fire was nothing just some pie that overflowed in the oven. i still can't believe we didn't have any soda. you did try water, after i tried the lame idea of blowing on it....

Melanie said...

We had a fire in one of the burners on top of the stove once when my mom was here. She wanted the salt and Travis couldn't figure out why. He was thinking "why is she seasoning the meal...there's a fire She needs baking soda!!" And she was thinking "why is Travis handing me the salt shaker...I want the whole giant container of salt to douse the fire!!" Eventually they communicated and we learned that salt puts out a fire as well as baking soda! haha Funny but scary.

P.S. Make sure your burners don't have leftover grease overflow in them from fried chicken when making pancakes the next day. hahaha

Cory said...

My favorite kitchen fire was from turning on the wrong burner. The one I turned on had one of those stupid decorative covers on it and a pair of kitchen shears on top of the cover. About the time I smelled the smoldering paint on the cover the plastic scissor handles caught on fire. I threw the whole flaming mess out in the snow, we briefly cleaned up, and we headed off to Thanksgiving with my family.

Angela said...

That was quite a THanksgiving too. Our kitchen was on fire and now we know never to use those stupid metal things again. Mom, you need some baking powder....but I guess salt was good too. Except Dad was trying to use his salt mill to put the fire out. I thought the end of his ginormous salt mill was going to catch on fire.

Dan said...

oh, Angela; i forgot about the salt grinder trick of mine. how embarrassing.