Thursday, March 09, 2006

What is Pericarditis?

My Chest Problem

I don't think I ever posted about the outcome of my chest problem. I ended up having a cardiac ultrasound last Friday, which came back normal. However, I did find out that I had pericarditis. It is an inflammation of the lining of the pericardial sac that surrounds the heart. The treatment for it is high doses of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Here is a description from GOOGLE:

Pericarditis (pair"e-kar-DI'tis) is inflammation of the pericardium. The pericardium has an inner and outer layer with a small amount of lubricating fluid between them. When the pericardium becomes inflamed, the amount of fluid between the two layers increases. This squeezes the heart and restricts its action.

Who gets pericarditis and what does it feel like?

This problem occurs most often in men ages 20 to 50. Chest pain is common, especially pain behind the breastbone. Sometimes this pain spreads to the neck and left shoulder. Pain from pericarditis is different from angina (AN'jih-nah or an-JI'nah). (Angina is chest pain or discomfort due to reduced blood supply to the heart muscle.) Angina feels like pressure, but pericarditis usually is a sharp, piercing pain over the center or left side of the chest. Often this pain gets worse if the person takes a deep breath. Less often the pain is dull. A fever is also common. Often people with pericarditis report feeling sick. Some have pain when they swallow.

My Chest Radiograph

This above chest x-ray that was performed in the emergency room. After I went home the pain would subside and them come back again. It was very strange.

What I learned

I did learn that I should have had a Priesthood blessing sooner than I had. I haven't had any symptoms or pain after having my blessing, which I finally had about a week after the initial symptoms.

Well so much for that--------I'm glad the radiograph does afterall show that I do have a heart. That's a great relief.

Q: What do you do when a pig has a heart attack?
A: You call an hambulance!



Mike said...

Glad to see the doctors found out what made you so CRAZY! Take care of yourself. I've been trying to figure out how to get a blog page going. I'll let you know when I post something!

Unknown said...

Hey that is a crazy post..What are those wires in your xray? Are they on the inside or outside...

Dan said...

Hey Jen,
The wire are ECG (electrogram) used to monitor my heart rate. The cables are on the outside of the chest. Thanks for asking.