Just writing to let you know that not much is happening around here. Last week before we went to the temple we visted with my mom for a while. She is doing well.
The remodeling looks nice at the temple and the new front desk area looks good. Our assignment at the temple went well and we enjoyed the experience, and the change is very good. We haven't had time to see the new Joseph Smith Video, but my mom told me that it is very good. Hopefully we will be able to see it soon. They are playing it not only in Salt Lake, but some vistor centers are also showing it---- and I.F. is one of those.
This morning I'm getting ready for my class, which starts at 10:00 a.m. Brian comes home in a few weeks. Also, Krista and Madison will be home to stay on May 30th. They are flying home with Krista's parents who are going for a visit on May 17th. It will be nice to see Krista and Maddy again. Brian will be staying in Taiwan for another 4-6 weeks after that.
Well, not much news happening around here. Have a good day.
I can't wait to see Brian, Krista, and Madison. It's g oing to be fun. I'm also looking for cake decorating classes.
That Krista and I can take. Opps!
Maybe you'll have to come to IF for the classes :)! No, I'm sure you'll find some! I mentioned to Brian and Krista somewhere on here that Clair E. Gale Jr. High schools art teacher is planning on retireing after next school year. That isn't the best timing for them, but it would be a good job if he's interested by then. We'd love to have them in IF!!!!
Good idea Angie, you can go to I.F. and take the course.
Julie, I talked to Brian the other day and told him of the opening. I was hoping it was for this coming school year though. It would be great to have them move to I.F.
Yeah Angie....we should leave Madi and Tyler with Cory and take the class in Idaho Falls!!! hehehe
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