Check out Caldwell Park the site of the big Easter EGG hunt in Pocatello. It started at 10:00 a.m. and was over at 10:02. The park was divided by yellow tape in several sections by age groups. I haven't been to something this crazy in a long time. There is just something about a thousand people waiting to pick up little plastic eggs while acting like they are gold nuggets. It's CRAZY.

Angie hangin out with the crowd in the pre-Easter egg scramble. We were so excited to watch the kids find (rather hoard) these little plastic eggs.

Don't you hate it when some lady ducks in front of your camera and says "excuse me" just as you take the picture.

It's almost time grandpa.

The yellow tape that held back the crowd was ripped down at precisely 10:00 a.m. and the crowd of people went crazy grabbing these treasures. Why do we do this? Can anyone tell me what plastic eggs and bunnies have to do with Easter?

No eggs in my pocket. Can you believe the 20000+ eggs were gone in less than a minute.

She has an egg hidden in her pocket. Don't let her fool you.

Group shot after the egg hunt.

After the egg hunt we were on the way to the car and noticed a little boy crying because he was not able to get any eggs. I think they arrived a minute late and missed out on the event. We talked the kids into giving him some of their eggs. It was a hard thing for them to do, but they managed to reach into their own baskets and give him a few eggs. He was very happy and his mother was very grateful. What great grandkids!

The little boy without eggs is standing by the side of his mother and you can barely see him in this picture.

Now we are at him. We are so cheap that we used the eggs gathered at the Park to have our own Easter Egg Hung. In this picture, Tyler surprises everyone by finding the an egg behind a picture on the end table. He was so surprised and excited.

Tammy filled the eggs with secret surprises and we hid them around the living room several times. Here is Juliette counting how many she found.

Abby searching for eggs.

Tyler is thinking about all of his eggs while Tammy and Juliette load hers into a dish. The kids then emptied the candy from their eggs into sandwich bags, but they ate it faster than I imagined.

Jenni and Ted making ice cream with their new blender. They make vanilla and strawberry. It was fab.

Look at these cute Easter bunnies.
We also had a wild easter egg hunt planned and prepared by Jessica and Sebastian. Too hbad I forgot to break out the camera! Hey, I recognize that blender, and I want one!
guys you are so great.
btw I love you house.
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