Yesterday I spent a few hours painting the entry way. I was wondering if Tammy would have approved of this improvised scaffolding I used. How safe was it? It sure is a long way to the bottom. My 17 foot extension ladder wouldn't reach so this is what I came up with. It was a scary crawl to paint the far reach to the upper corner.
I wish I could've seen you up're right though, mom would not have approved. Tyler would've loved to go up there with you.
Maybe I'm just crazy, but it looks to me like that's the best way you could've done it, short of renting an actual scaffolding system (that wouldn't have been much better).
that's what I was thinking too. It wasn't that bad unless you looked down.
That looked pretty dangerous, Dan. I have the same problem with the highest point in my house where the extension ladder doesn't reach. Whenever I want to get rid of a spider web up there, I have to throw damp towels from the family room upstairs and HOPE I knock the web down--it usually takes several tries!
It's great how you're always keeping your home beautifully maintained :-).
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