Yesterday we went to Utah for Abby's Baptism. It was really nice. This is one of my favorite pictures of Abby. Tammy gave the opening prayer and then Abby sang the song called "If the Savior Stood Beside Me" and I accompanied her on the guitar. She sang so beautifully and I was so proud of her. Ted's dad then spoke and then it was time for the baptism. Abby was so cute walking down into the water. Ted almost forgot the words to the baptismal prayer, but thankfully remembered them. There was a question on if Abby's toe came out of the water, but Ted's dad was sure that she was completely submerged before her toe popped out.
After the baptism Ted confirmed her. We grandfathers and Ted's brothers stood in the circle. Abby gave me a big hug after the confirmation and it made me feel so good.
I was proud of her. She is such a sweet girl with a wonderful testimony.

When we first arrived at the chapel we were the only ones there so we took a lot of pictures. When I opened the door to the font to look at the water with Tyler, he blurted out, "Is Jesus Coming?" We all laughed....but truthfully I'm sure there is something to his question. I'm sure the Savior was there or at the least aware of what was about to happen.

Just hanging out waiting for everyone else to arrive. This is the Hobbs side. Angie and the boys rode down with us. Cory had to stay home to study. We missed him.

What a cute family. Ted's family had about 40 people there. You can see them in the slide show in the next posting if you like.

This is one of my favorite pictures of Abby and Juliette. They were really posing for this picture.
Notice Juliette's headband. I don't think the Orange matched well, but she insisted on wearing it. Funny!
Nice pics, did you get a new camera?
no....not a new camera, just my old sony. I don't use it much as it's so big, but it still takes great pictures. i didn't trust taking my crappy konica.
Thanks for bringing your camera and being our honorary camera man! It was great to have you, Mom, and Angie and her boys there! Abby's smile is still cracking me up!
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