These are a few of the better pictures we took on Thanksgiving day. Most of my pictures didn't turn out very good.
The picture above Jenni and Juliette sitting in the living room during the program. The top picture is Scott and his little girl.
After dinner we got together for a small program. Steve gave an opening prayer, Julie's kids performed, Brad read a story and gave us a scripture reading from the BOM, Abby and Juliette sang, and so did Connie. It was so nice to be at Brad and Julies house for Thanksgiving this year. The dinner was GREAT. Thanks you guys for making it so nice and so delicious.
I'm very thankful for a lot of things this year. Some of the things I'm thankful for include: Tammy, all of my kids, their spouses, our grand kids, my mom, my brothers and sisters and all of their kids and family, my church calling, my job, my life, and so so much more. We truly are blessed..........

The lighting was either bad or I need to get a new camera. Here is the table in the kitchen. Brad and Julie also had tables set up in their living room. Everyone had a nice place to sit and we really enjoyed talking, eating, talking, eating, and eating some more. It's hard to tell who these people are. Why, it's Jenni, Ted, Connie, Linda, Heather, and Tammy. Mom is hidden in the upper left corner.

Nathaniel and Abby seemed to really hit it off. Here they are getting ready to eat their dinner

Connie patiently sat in this chair and waited for someone to serve her. She was really good and during the program she sang, "I am a child of God". She did an excellent job as usual. She also gave the prayer on the food. It was the shortest prayer I've ever heard, but hey, we got to eat a lot faster didn't we?

Some of us surrounding the island in the kitchen where all the food was placed. I see Steve, Kelsey, John, Heather, Linda, and Kendall.
We missed everyone that wasn't there and hope you all had a VERY GOOD THANKSGIVING. We love you all.
Wow! Looks like your camera is breaking. Ours did the same thing after we dropped it...blurry on one side, focused on the other. Still looks like a great Thanksgiving!
Read this on fast Sunday! Man am I hungry. Wish we could have been there. We missed you all... Good excuse to get a camera. I want one of those waterproof camera's for Kayaking!
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