Well, I saw this little utility trailer that I wanted to look at, but the problem was that I was on the I15 going in the opposite direction. No problem, I said to Tammy, I'll just get off at the next exit and go back and check it out. Well, as I approached the next overpass I noticed that there was not an exit available, but..... low and behold, it was my lucky day, yes, there was a "crossover". It was posted as "emergency for authorized and emergency vehicles only", but my "knee jerk" reaction made me do it, and I turned in. Well, just my luck, "a black and white" was headed in the opposite direction and turned right in next our car. The policeman wasn't very nice and I knew he would give me a ticket, but what I didn't know is that it is a misdemeanor violation with a max $1000.00 fine, time in jail, and/or parole.
I've had to get a lawyer (Fabio in the ward). So far that has cost me $350.00 retainer fee, and that is 1/2 of his common retainer fee charge.
My trial date is set for May 29th, and I'm going to plead not guilty as a misdemeanor has to be reported to my credentialing agency and, well, I'm just pretty upset about it----------a "U turn"; as John Stosel from dateline would say, "give me a break."
I feel like a criminal. I thought if I just told the truth, the policeman would slap me the bill. Then I'd pay it and this would all go away.
Not so. I learned, as we've all learned from Larry Craig--sometimes it doesn't pay to plead guilty even if you are. So...that's why I'm pleading NOT guilty.
If you didn't know it, LEARN from this. A "U-turn" on the Interstate carries a misdemeanor charge in the State of Idaho.

I think that is ridiculous. I've been known to flip a U-ey using these emergency exits before, and I've seen plenty of people do it as well.
The lame thing is, in Idaho it's not like there is always an exit 3 or 4 miles down the road, you're lucky if theres even one 20 miles down the road.
I guess if you miss an exit or something in Idaho, you're just screwed! I'm surprised that they attach "misdemeanor" status for this though... Dang cop was probably on an ego trip.
Anyway, good luck fighting this, I hope you can at least get the fine reduced by $900+ dollars. Let us know what happened!
Lame! I would be SOO made if I were you! Hopefully it all turns out well.
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