Monday, March 17, 2008

Guitar Rocking

I got this new acoustic Fender electic guitar that I'm really liking and getting back into the groove of playing. It's what I got myself for Tammy's Birthday.

Here are a few pictures of me and Tyler rockin out on our new guitars.

First you have to learn how to hold it.

He's thinking of THAT hole. It looks so inviting to put something into it, doesn't it?

I bought a little uke for Tyler to play with me. The first thing he does is ask for the pick and then he puts it in the hole. I'm trying to teach him how NOT to drop the pick into that hole. It's quite a "shake" getting it out. That's the biggy right now him. He's not so much for strumming it, but I'm sure he'll get the hang of it. He likes music a lot.

Maybe I'll get him to sing in a few months.


Travis said...

Sweet! I heard you playing last night.

Jessica Dunlap said...

Oh, how cute! You guys should form a band.

Dan said...

Any name suggestion for the new band?

Unknown said...

Taylor Hicks??? LOL

Unknown said...

That is sweet. Maybe Abby and I should take lessons from you.

jenni the artist said...

Ha ha ha, we can't wait for you to jam out with the girls. That will be so much fun!

Celestine said...

Hi Dan, you were always the talented one in the Hobbs family. I remember how you used to play your guitar years ago--glad you've picked it up again.

I love that my boys all play guitar now. Jess hasn't had time to learn, but she has a guitar stored away somewhere... I was missing some of my favorite guitar music for a LONG time, and recently found out that Jess has had it along with her unused guitar! I forgot that I had loaned my music to her a couple years ago.

You and Tammy sure keep busy with your children and grandchildren, don't you? They are certainly blessed to have you in their lives.

We need to make more time to see Jared, Jenny, and Mario--maybe monthly outings or something. Since they moved to Belen, we hardly see them anymore.

We love you and look forward to seeing you in the near future :-).