Thursday, January 03, 2008

World War II Guam era

I thought you might enjoy seeing some more of the pictures that Tammy is wading through. So far she has scanned about 400. These next few images are some war images that I thought were pretty cool and hoped you would enjoy seeing them.
Some of them photographs will look better if you click on them and look at them a little larger.

This is Tammy's Dad Marvin sitting in some type of fighter plane during World War II.

I know you can't see this picture very well, but when I blew up the image to make it larger I could make out "USS Missouri". This battleship fought in Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and I think it was taken down in Pearl Harbor. My history is bad bad bad, but I thought this was pretty cool. Click on it and make it larger and see if you can see the words Missouri.

I'm positive Marvin was the photographer of the photo. Pretty cool shot. Some of these images are pretty old, but there is some great histroy buried in these slides.

It looks like some type of a bomb. There is another picture that we found that shows an entire field filled with bombs and Tammy's Dad is sitting on one of them. I'll try to find it to post at a later time.

I think it is Marvin immediately behind the 2 guys in the center; he's the one you can see between their shoulders.

Just thought this was a cool picture. It really brings history close to life and even closer to home.

Marching soldiers. Marv probably took this shot while walking. I have no idea where this is at. We are taking my laptop to Utah tomorrow to show him these pictures and hopefully will be able to put some labels on some of them.

Haystacks don't give much protection against bullets, but it doesn't look like the landscape offers many places to hide.

These images make me pretty thankful for the men and women who fought for us and then even more proud know that Tammy's Dad was 1 of them.

Lastly, here is the bomb picture I was talking about above.


Melanie said...

These pictures are amazing. What a family treasure. You should have them all made into one of those Shutterfly books and give it to Grandpa. Thanks for posting them, they're just unbelievable!

Travis said...

Cool pictures. Here is some info on The USS Missouri. Sounds like it was the site of the surrender of Japan.

It fought in Iwa Jima, etc. And is presently a museum ship at Pearl Harbor.

Dan said...

Mel,the shutterfly book is an awesome ides. Thanks for giving it to me. I'm seriously thinking about doing it.


We saw grandpa yesterday. We asked him about the Missouri. The written surrender of Japan happened aboard this ship. The next week it was in Guam and grandpa took this picture of it. He also went aboard the ship to stand in the place where the surrender took place. Pretty cool hugh?

Mike said...

Wow,I didn't know Marv was such a hero! Cool Pics!

Jon said...

I'm Keriann Brower's husband... Just wanted to let you know something about the pictures.

The first picture, he is sitting in the nose of a B-29 Stratofortress, which is the same kind of planes that can be seen in the later picture through the window. Incidentally, it was B29s that dropped the atomic bombs on Japan to end the war.

The USS Missouri, or "Mighty Mo", was the last Battleship built by the United States Navy and was indeed the site of the Japanese surrender in Tokyo Bay in August, 1945.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful history with us.

Dan said...

Hey Jon,

Thanks for the information. Nice to hear from you. Where are you and KeriAnn living. Please say 'hi' to her for me. I miss her and her family. I hope all is going well for all.

Write again sometime.

Keriann said...

Jon and I are in Toledo, Ohio. Jon is currently in Med. School at the University of Toledo. He is just over half way done with his first year. One of Jon's hobbies is War stuff. He even worked for the "Saints At War" Project at BYU for a while.

Those pictures are awesome. I knew Jon would like to see them.