So I get this email from this guy. What do you think I should tell him? I've never been to Western Maryland, and I have no idea who Carlton is and I hated CHIPS.
Hi Dan,
Hi Dan,
It's Carlton- from your old Western Maryland days! For some reason, I was watching TV- and I had a flash back to our freshman days watching CHIPS- and I started laughing my ass off- my wife thinks I'm nuts! I had to google your name and it popped right up at Idaho State University- how do you like it out there? That's terrific that your teaching- especially at the college level. I'm teaching high school economics, business law, and keyboarding- I hope to one day teach at the college level. I'm also teaching at an alternative school at night- troubled kids- but they've actually been pretty good so far. Anyway, I've been married for 10 years and have 3 kids... Olivia is 6, Jackson is 4, and Maria is 3. I'm living in Tolland, CT- my hometown. I hope all is well with you and I hope that you are the Dan Hobbs that I know- your picture on the web site certainly likes like the Dan Hobbs that I know- it would be pretty ridiculous if I just blathered on to a different Dan Hobbs who just happens to look like you- email me back and let me know how things are going if you get the chance.
Here's my follow up email:
Hi Carlton,
This is Dan Hobbs. Man it was good to hear from you. There's something you should know about me though. I've never been to Maryland and hated CHIPS; however, I did know a physician called Dr. Carlton. She died a few years ago of a brain tumor.
If there really is another one of me out there someplace I hope he's been as blessed as me. I've got 8 grandkids now spread from Oregon to Virginia. If you are ever out this way please stop in and I'll make you and your family a mean dutch oven dinner. I hope you find your friend. He must be my twin.
Merry Christmas,
Ha ha ha! That is great. Hilarious. Oh Dan!
i wonder what he thought of that?
This is what he thought of my email:
hahahaha- sorry- your picture on the web site even
looks like him-although the picture is from a
distance-too funny- we actually just mocked chips-
even though I don't really know you- it's important to
me that you don't think i was an actual fan. Happy
Holidays !
Then I sent him this email:
I'm so glad you're not a Chips fan. You're email made my day. Have a good Christmas with those kids of yours.
Love the story and the follow-ups! Certainly put a big smile on my face.
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