By boss has this parrot named Krispy. He is worth about $1000.00. They have had a lot of fun with him because he imitates what you say. 2 days ago Debbie was cleaning Krispy's cage and Chuck didn't know that she was cleaning it. They usually just let Krispy fly around the house when he gets his cage cleaned. Now mind you--Chuck didn't know Debbie was cleaning the cage. Well, during this process Chuck decides to go outside. When he opens the door Krispy flys toward Chuck and lands on his shoulder. Chuck wasn't expecting this & wonders what is happening. He brushes his shoulder with his hand, which scares the poor bird, and out the door Krispy flies. On, no! Up over the house and into the big tree in their backyard flies the bird as he lands in the high tree top. Chuck and Debbie were in a panic. They raced outside and tried to coax Krispy to come to them. They would whistle and the bird would whistle back. They tried calling his name, "Come home Krispy," they called out. Remember the bird is a parrot! The bird repeats back, "Come home Krispy, come home" Krispey has been gone for 2 days now. It's getting cold out. Snow is in the forecast for tonight. Poor bird. Poor Chuck. Poor Debbie.
That is so sad!! Do you think he could have flown to south america by the time it snows? Or at least to Arizona where it's warmer? Sas story
Usually if you leave the cage outside with food and water in it they will come back when they are hungry. We knew someone whose bird did that all the time. It's worth a try!
They have had the cage outside the whole time. I think maybe the bird has become cat food or has decided it's to cold to stay around these parts.
that's too bad. maybe there is still a chance for him to come home.
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